Foster Dog Name: Digby
Physical Appearance
Approximate Age: 6-7
Sex: Male
Breed Type: English Setter
Color: Orange and White
Size: Medium
Weight: 36
High/Low Maintenance: Low
Temperament: Great
Energy Level: Low
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/Loner: Lap Dog
Riding in Car: Definitely loves it
Playful with toys? Brings a toy to you as soon as you walk in the door
Birdiness: Loves to sit and watch the birds
Adults (Males-Females): Anyone and everyone
Little Kids: Visiting little kids are fine, but recommend adopting to family with kids older than 10 years old.
Other Dogs: Yes
Plays with other dogs? Yes
Cats: No
Visitors/Strangers: Very good
Barking: Occasionally
Inside House: Likes to lounge and look out the window at the birds
Outside in the Yard: He has a favorite place to sit and watch birds and plays with the dogs
Away from Home: Loves to go on walks and to the parks
Commands: Still needs work
Potential as Hunting Companion: No
Agility: No
Housebreaking: Perfect in the house
Crate Training: Yes
Leash Walking: Yes
Off-Leash/Recall: Still needs work
Appetite: Good
General Health: Very Good
Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None
Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog
Special Qualities: Loves people, and enjoys snuggling with you while you sit or he is happy sitting at your feet while you do what it is that you do. Walks well on a leash.
Type of Family/Home for best placement: Someone that has older children, a retired couple or working family with busy schedule would all work.
Special Requirements/Needs: Food, water, treats and above all: a lot of Love.
Fence Requirements: He’s fine with low fencing.
Additional Comments: When you see Digby you will know why he is so special, when I come home after work he is waiting in his kennel for me. When I let him out he goes and gets his favorite or any toy and runs straight to me to say hello. He will brighten your day even if it was a bad one!
He knows exactly were the treats are and at the end of the day he is patiently waiting to get his. He is the best companion, he likes to hop on the couch and find his favorite niche and lay down with me, and he is a great heating blanket.
Digby will make a great friend for who ever decide to take him home with him. He has been a real pleasure for us, we won’t mind keeping him until he finds his forever home.
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