Sunday, May 11, 2008

Winnebago's Profile

Foster Dog Name: Winnebago

Physical Appearance

Approximate Age: 2-3 years old

Sex: Male

Breed Type: English pointer

Color: Orange & white

Size: Smaller in stature

Weight: 48 lbs


High/Low Maintenance: Medium maintenance

Temperament: Very, very sweet

Energy Level: Medium energy
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: Definite lap dog

Riding in Car: Must be crated. Settles down after 5 minutes

Playful with toys? No

Birdiness: Loves to chase birds but haven’t seen him point


Adults (Males-Females) in home: Has just adult female in foster home. but he has been around my mom & dad and other people and is fine with them.

Little Kids: I’m sure he’s be fine

Meeting Visitors/Strangers: Very friendly

Other Dogs: Gets along great with other dogs

Playfulness with other dogs: My 2 dogs chase him around when playing

Behavior around Cats: He’s never acknowledged them.

Barking: He will bark if he’s left in the house when I’m outside & he knows it. All my other dogs will do this also.

Behavior Inside House: Very quiet. Will go and lie down & relax when told to do so.

Behavior Outside in the Yard: He just likes to run & run in the yard

Behavior Away from Home (pet store, dog parks, etc): He’s fine anywhere away from home. Very friendly.


Commands: Knows sit & lay down

Tricks: None

Potential as Hunting Companion: He is interested in birds and probably could be trained to hunt

Housebreaking: Completely house broken

Crate Training: He doesn’t like to go in his crate but will go in willingly. Then he’s fine once he’s in it. He may bark for a while.

Leash Walking: Have been working with him. He doesn’t pull real bad but doesn’t know where he needs to be when walking. With a little bit of training he’ll be fine.

Off-Leash/Recall: I would not trust him off leash. He has no recall.


Appetite: Great appetite. He has gained almost 10 lbs since coming to our house

General Health: Good health. Nice white teeth.

Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None

Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog

Special Qualities: He’s very, very sweet & loving. Loves to cuddle & get lots of hugs & kisses.

Type of Family/Home for best placement: Winn would be good with or without kids. He does jump up when excited but he doesn’t jump on you, just up.

Special Requirements/Needs: He needs someone to understand some of his pointer behaviors. I’ve seen other pointers that exhibit certain repeat behaviors and such. It’s harmless and he settles down after a little while. He's worth getting to know. I‘ve not met a sweeter dog than Winn.

Fence Requirements: He will not try to jump over a fence but can dig under the fence line to escape if he sees any space he can squeeze under. He can get through a pretty small space so you have to be careful with him, watching him closely even at the dog parks. Make sure the fencing comes all the way to the ground & that he can’t squeeze out through a gate. But as time has gone by he is getting more & more attached to me & my other dogs, so the desire to run has lessened. He also listens to the e-collar.

Additional Comments: Winn is worth taking a chance on. His loving nature & sweetness are more than a pay back for any behavior issues like jumping up when excited or trying to escape under a fence. He has settled into our pack & home & we will all miss him dearly.

Nick's Dog Profile

Foster Dog Name: Nick

Physical Appearance

Approximate Age: 3 years

Sex: Male

Breed Type: Pointer

Color: White with lemon ticking

Size: Medium

Weight: 53 pounds


High/Low Maintenance: Low

Temperament: Happy

Energy Level: High
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: A little of both

Riding in Car: Loves to go places

Playful with toys? Loves to play with toys

Birdiness: Very interested in birds


Adults (Males-Females): Loves adults

Little Kids: Probably not

Other Dogs: Not good with small dogs

Plays with other dogs? Yes, tries to initiate play

Cats: Not good with cats

Visitors/Strangers: Loves everyone

Barking: Does sometimes bark some when another dog walks by the house

Inside House: He plays or cuddles

Outside in the Yard: He plays, hunts, or comes to sit by you

Away from Home: He is good, & very curious


Commands: Sit, down, back, get the ball, kennel up

Tricks: He is getting good at catching a soft Frisbee

Potential as Hunting Companion: With some fine tuning he would make a great hunting companion

Agility: Possibly, if he could get focused off the birds

Housebreaking: Fully Housebroken

Crate Training: Yes

Leash Walking: Loves it, he pulls but comes home tired

Off-Leash/Recall: Good


Appetite: Excellent

General Health: Excellent

Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None

Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog

Special Qualities: Nick is very happy, playful, & responsive to people.

Type of Family/Home for best placement: Nick would do best with an active family that will take him out for walks, play with him, give him lots of love, & make him a part of the family.

Special Requirements/Needs: None

Fence Requirements: 6 foot with reinforced bottom or radio fencing which can also easily be added to be used with regular fencing.

Additional Comments: Nick is a beautiful little dog who radiates joy. He will make you smile every day.

Tommy's Profile

Foster Dog Name: Tommy

Physical Appearance

Approximate Age: 7

Sex: Male

Breed Type: English Setter

Color: tricolor

Size: Medium

Weight: 42 lbs


High/Low Maintenance: Low

Temperament: Active & Friendly

Energy Level: High
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: Both-Independent outdoors, then cuddly lap dog

Riding in Car: Rides well

Playful with toys? No

Birdiness: Yes


Adults (Males-Females) in home: Great

Little Kids: Not Good

Meeting Visitors/Strangers: Meets people friendly, but aloof

Other Dogs: Tommy is friendly with other dogs, as long as they don’t obstruct him racing around the yard. He doesn’t mind sharing attention---but you get the impression he would be fine without other doggy company as well. Tommy is a very confident dog that will put his foot down when challenged. So he does best with other friendly, easy-going companions that will not challenge pack order.

Playfulness with other dogs: None observed so far

Behavior around Cats: Unknown

Barking: Not a big barker

Behavior Inside House: Is our shadow inside and a couch potato

Behavior Outside in the Yard: LOVES outdoor time and needs loads of it. Runs a lot.

Behavior Away from Home (pet store, dog parks, etc): Well behaved and friendly, likes getting petted, if he’s not otherwise occupied…spotting birds or something, then he just ignores everything else.


Commands: Sit

Potential as Hunting Companion: Unknown

Agility: Unknown

Housebreaking: 100%

Crate Training: Will go into crate without problem, but does not need crated when left alone

Leash Walking: Walks without pulling with an Easy-Walk harness

Off-Leash/Recall: Responds pretty well when called.


Appetite: Great

General Health: Great

Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None

Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog

Special Qualities: A wonderful snuggler on your lap

Type of Family/Home for best placement: Tommy is looking for a family that may not be gone from all an entire work day. Tommy needs a lot of outdoor exercise time. He takes care of that exercise all by himself, by racing back and forth through the yard---he’s having a good time, but he NEEDS that running time. We need Tommy to go to a family without kids under 10 years old. He’s not unfriendly with kids as a rule, but does not like it when being forced into interaction with kids when he doesn’t want it. Tommy would make a good running partner for a jogger as well. He loves his walks

Special Requirements/Needs: A large yard is a MUST for this boy and is non-negotiable.

Fence Requirements: Tommy is not a fence jumper and has been doing fine with a 42” chain link fence.

Additional Comments: Tommy’s first love is the outdoors. For anybody adopting this boy they need to be prepared that Tommy will want to check the yard out FIRST---before thinking of saying hello to the people in the home. However, this is temporarily. Once he’s had his exercise, you could not have a more lovable companion. He’s check in with you too and comes in for nap time and a pet. It’s just all in a certain order. You can tell that loving up to mommy and daddy is very important to him as well and he’s a very special boy that way.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Elton's Profile

Foster Dog Name: ELTON

Physical Appearance:
Approximate Age: 5-6
Sex: Male
Breed Type: English setter
Color: Orange & white
Size: Large
Weight: 70 lbs

High/Low Maintenance: Very clingy
Temperament: Sweet and loving
Energy Level: Med-high for a big boy - he sure can move!!
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: Velcro dog-wants to be lap dog- regardless of his size
Riding in Car: Lives for it!! Paces around the garage wanting in the truck!
Playful with toys? No
Birdiness: Somewhat

Adults (Males-Females) in home: Great
Little Kids: Great
Meeting Visitors/Strangers: Wants to go home with everyone!
Other Dogs: Great
Playfulness with other dogs: Sometimes
Behavior around Cats: Doesn’t care
Barking: Rarely
Behavior Inside House: Lays around, follows you everywhere
Behavior Outside in the Yard: Stays within 20 feet off leash, loves to sniff and hunt
Behavior Away from Home (pet store, dog parks, etc): Everyone’s buddy!!

Commands: Sit, down, stay
Potential as Hunting Companion: Not a serious hunter
Agility: No
Housebreaking: Yes
Crate Training: Yes, but he doesn’t like being crated
Leash Walking: Yes
Off-Leash/Recall: Good

Appetite: Great
General Health: He’s still spitting up some water after drinking
Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: Hip and joint supplements

Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog
Special Qualities: A big cuddly teddy bear. Super friendly and very loveable
Type of Family/Home for best placement: Needs constant attention. He would be very unhappy in a crate for hours at a time. Good with kids
Special Requirements/Needs: Still needs continued chiropractic care
Fence Requirements: Not a fence jumper, does fine with 4 foot fence height

Pee Wee's Profile

Foster Dog Name: Pee Wee

Physical Appearance

Approximate Age: 8 months

Sex: Male

Breed Type: English Setter Mix

Color Black and White

Size: Puppy

Weight: 32 pounds


High/Low Maintenance: Needs exercise to wear him out

Temperament: Confident, Playful, Sweet

Energy Level: High Energy Puppy
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: Playful puppy that would benefit from a tolerant adult playmate to learn from and follow

Riding in Car: Rides well, but does get car sick sometimes

Playful with toys? LOVES playing ball and any toy. He would be an excellent agility candidate

Birdiness: Learning


Adults (Males-Females) in home: Great

Little Kids: Great

Meeting Visitors/Strangers: Loves people he is very confident

Other Dogs: Great

Playfulness with other dogs: He wants to play with everyone, but the others are not always in the mood. He is learning doggy manners

Behavior around Cats: He tries to greet the cats, but backs off when smacked in the face

Barking: Some play barking

Behavior Inside House: Playful, Confident

Behavior Outside in the Yard: Playful, Confident

Behavior Away from Home (pet store,dog parks,etc): Playful, Confident


Commands: Working on Sit, Down, and Come

Tricks: He can stuff two balls in his mouth and still run around the yard and play

Potential as Hunting Companion: He is learning about birds

Agility: He would be excellent with a tennis ball as a reward

Housebreaking: In Progress

Crate Training: Crates fine

Leash Walking: Pulls

Off-Leash/Recall: Working on it with the positive reinforcement of the ball play. He is doing better


Appetite: Good

General Health: Good- other than a temporary issue with Crystals in his Urine that we are treating

Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None

Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog

Special Qualities: He is a very confident puppy that learns from older dogs in the home

Type of Family/Home for best placement: A home that loves an active puppy and is willing to train and play with him

Special Requirements/Needs: Patience and LOVE

Fence Requirements: Regular fenced in yard-He will begin training on the invisible in the next week so that he can play more in the open yard with the other dogs.

Libby Lu's Dog Profile

Foster Dog Name: Libby

Physical Appearance
Approximate Age: 1
Sex: Female
Breed Type: Pointer Mix
Color: White with black spots
Size: Medium
Weight: 59 lbs

High/Low Maintenance: Low
Temperament: Loving, playful, wary of new situations at first
Energy Level: Medium
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: A little bit of both
Riding in Car: Plays then sleeps
Playful with toys? Yes
Birdiness: Little or no interest

Adults (Males-Females) in home: Fine
Little Kids: ok
Meeting Visitors/Strangers: Wary until she knows them.
Other Dogs: Wary until she gains trust
Playfulness with other dogs: Yes, when she’s gotten to know the dog
Behavior around Cats: Not Good
Barking: Barks when seeing sheep, cats, birds
Behavior Inside House: Likes to lie down and watch goings on
Behavior Outside in the Yard: Plays and plays and plays
Behavior Away from Home (pet store,dog parks,etc): A bit nervous and unsure

Commands: Sit, stay, lie down
Potential as Hunting Companion: No
Agility: No
Housebreaking: 99% so far
Crate Training: Good, but doesn’t like to be in it
Leash Walking: Tugs hard
Off-Leash/Recall: About 50% reliable

Appetite: Fine
General Health: Fine, needs exercise
Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None

Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog
Special Qualities: Extremely affectionate once she trusts
Type of Family/Home for best placement: A home with kids, other dogs, and with parents that will guide her firmly and continue working on getting her comfortable away from home.
Special Requirements/Needs: None
Fence Requirements: Absolutely needs solid 6' Alcatraz fence. Jumps lower fences and is immune to e-collars
Additional Comments: Needs other dogs in house, people around. Gets bored easily and starts getting itchy feet.