Foster Dog Name: Winnebago
Physical Appearance
Approximate Age: 2-3 years old
Sex: Male
Breed Type: English pointer
Size: Smaller in stature
Weight: 48 lbs
High/Low Maintenance: Medium maintenance
Temperament: Very, very sweet
Energy Level: Medium energy
Lap/Velcro Dog or Independent/ Loner: Definite lap dog
Riding in Car: Must be crated. Settles down after 5 minutes
Playful with toys? No
Birdiness: Loves to chase birds but haven’t seen him point
Adults (Males-Females) in home: Has just adult female in foster home. but he has been around my mom & dad and other people and is fine with them.
Little Kids: I’m sure he’s be fine
Meeting Visitors/Strangers: Very friendly
Other Dogs: Gets along great with other dogs
Playfulness with other dogs: My 2 dogs chase him around when playing
Behavior around Cats: He’s never acknowledged them.
Barking: He will bark if he’s left in the house when I’m outside & he knows it. All my other dogs will do this also.
Behavior Inside House: Very quiet. Will go and lie down & relax when told to do so.
Behavior Outside in the Yard: He just likes to run & run in the yard
Behavior Away from Home (pet store, dog parks, etc): He’s fine anywhere away from home. Very friendly.
Commands: Knows sit & lay down
Tricks: None
Potential as Hunting Companion: He is interested in birds and probably could be trained to hunt
Housebreaking: Completely house broken
Crate Training: He doesn’t like to go in his crate but will go in willingly. Then he’s fine once he’s in it. He may bark for a while.
Leash Walking: Have been working with him. He doesn’t pull real bad but doesn’t know where he needs to be when walking. With a little bit of training he’ll be fine.
Off-Leash/Recall: I would not trust him off leash. He has no recall.
Appetite: Great appetite. He has gained almost 10 lbs since coming to our house
General Health: Good health. Nice white teeth.
Ongoing Medication/Maintenance needed: None
Foster Parent Evaluation of the dog
Special Qualities: He’s very, very sweet & loving. Loves to cuddle & get lots of hugs & kisses.
Type of Family/Home for best placement: Winn would be good with or without kids. He does jump up when excited but he doesn’t jump on you, just up.
Special Requirements/Needs: He needs someone to understand some of his pointer behaviors. I’ve seen other pointers that exhibit certain repeat behaviors and such. It’s harmless and he settles down after a little while. He's worth getting to know. I‘ve not met a sweeter dog than Winn.
Fence Requirements: He will not try to jump over a fence but can dig under the fence line to escape if he sees any space he can squeeze under. He can get through a pretty small space so you have to be careful with him, watching him closely even at the dog parks. Make sure the fencing comes all the way to the ground & that he can’t squeeze out through a gate. But as time has gone by he is getting more & more attached to me & my other dogs, so the desire to run has lessened. He also listens to the e-collar.
Additional Comments: Winn is worth taking a chance on. His loving nature & sweetness are more than a pay back for any behavior issues like jumping up when excited or trying to escape under a fence. He has settled into our pack & home & we will all miss him dearly.